We are very grateful to all our members who donate to the church so that we can continue to have a presence in our community and to do God's work as best we can.
There is always an open plate collection at our services for those who like to give in this way, but we would encourage any taxpayers to Gift Aid their donations and thus increase the value of their givings by 25% at no cost to themselves.
This can be done by placing cash in the Gift Aid envelopes available before putting this in the collection plate, but msot of our members prefer to use a standing order from their bank account to make regular giving easier. This is most easily done by internet banking which many use now, and can be for annual, quarterly, monthly (the choice of most, and best for church cash flow) or weekly payments. You can set it up yourself if you use internet banking - make payable to:
Inverallan Parish Church Sort code 83-22-19 Account no. 00160618
If you prefer not to use online banking you can download a standing order form here, which should be completed and forwarded to the address below.
Bank transfer - make one-off payments by internet banking to the above account
Gift Aid - if you are a taxpayer and do not already Gift Aid your donations, you can download a gift aid declaration form here and return it to the address below.
For help or further information, and to return any standing order forms, please contact:
Valerie Morris, Rhuarden, Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey, PH26 3JF
e-mail: inverallangiving@gmail.com, or telephone 01479 872351