At Inverallan Church...

Our Sunday worship at Inverallan is at 11am and 4 times per year we share a communion service with Cromdale church in one or other of our buildings. We have a loop system to help anyone with hearing difficulties.
From January to April we hold our Sunday worship in Inverallan Church Hall. New! on the first Sunday of the month our worship will take the form of Cafe Church - come and try this relaxed, informal and convivial form of worship!
We are moving forward with our plan to redevelop the church in our Inverallan 20/20 project, which will give us a much needed wonderful community facility for all to use and enjoy in the heart of Grantown on Spey.
Inverallan Church is open daily during summer for private reflection or simply to visit.
Find us...
Inverallan Church
Grant Road
PH26 3JH